This post is all about 20 horror comedy books sure to keep you giggling and gasping all the way through.
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Hello, my fellow weirdos and misfits! Welcome to my little cozy corner of the web, Booked and Bewitched, where we chat about all things horror, tragedy, dark humor, gothic, and mystery-related!
This week we are talking about all things Horror Comedy related.
To be perfectly honest, I choose this week’s topic for my reasons. I’ve had a wonderful book idea come to me, but I knew it would be a supernatural horror comedy. Thus I needed to do some digging and see if there was even a market in the written world for such a story. And guess what, I’m not the only person who gets wacky ideas like mixing horror with comedy,
So without further ado, let’s get into these Horror Comedy reads! And if you need more horror-themed entertainment choices. Go check out-
*25 Nintendo Switch Horror Games
Quirky Horror Comedy
1. Top-notch horror comedy
I am currently about halfway through the audiobook version of Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix. Which is free on Hoopla by the way, if you enjoy audiobooks. And I have to say, if you’ve ever worked in the service industry the humor in this will be spot, and while it takes a bit to get to the real creepy crawly bits, they are worth the wait.
by Grady Hendrix (Author)
Something strange is happening at the Orsk furniture superstore in Cleveland, Ohio. Every morning, employees arrive to find broken Kjerring bookshelves, shattered Glans water goblets, and smashed Liripip wardrobes. Sales are down, security cameras reveal nothing, and store managers are panicking.
To unravel the mystery, three employees volunteer to work a nine-hour dusk-till-dawn shift. In the dead of the night, they’ll patrol the empty showroom floor, investigate strange sights and sounds, and encounter horrors that defy the imagination.
2. Fantasy horror comedy must-read
So, The Witch of Tophet County by J.H. Schiller is a must-read for anyone who loves a political comedy mixed with dark humor. We get monsters, small-town drama, and all other kinds of fun with this one.
by J. H. Schiller (Author)
The witch of Tophet County has three primary preoccupations: Kentucky bourbon, Amish romance novels . . . and protecting her true identity from the chthonic monsters who rule humanity with an iron tentacle.
Despite her best efforts to get fired, the witch is trapped in a draconian, century-long contract that condemns her to work for the Archons of the Nether Realms in the banal misery of county government. But when she accidentally pleases her many-armed overlords, the Dread Lord of Human Resources curses her with an unwanted promotion. And it involves meetings.
3. LGBTQ+ Horror Comedy
A Lonely Broadcast by Kel Bryon is my next horror comedy read as soon as I finish Horrorstor. As someone who grew up in a tiny isolated rural community surrounded by myths and legends. And spooky monsters and creatures lurking in the woods. I can see this one hitting me in the heart for sure.
by Kel Byron (Author)
If you find yourself driving down a winding mountain road near an endless stretch of pines, try tuning in to 104.6 FM: the radio station that shouldn’t exist.
The village of Pinehaven has a secret of monstrous proportions. Evelyn McKinnon, a radio host falling on hard times, finds herself utterly unprepared when she learns that the radio station isn’t just for entertainment. It’s a watchtower.
She’s stalked by a bird with human eyes. Her new co-host won’t stop singing show tunes. And when the fog rolls in, the beasts of Pinehaven Forest begin their brutal hunt. Evelyn and her friends are suddenly face-to-face with something much scarier than ravenous flesh giants and vengeful spirits: Responsibility
4. Horror comedy short story
Okay, when I came across Woom by Duncan Ralston, I thought my Kindle stalker had done me dirty. After reading the description and critic reviews I thought there is no way this is a horror comedy. But low and behold it is the #3 book on Amazon in the horror comedy genre, so away we go.
by Duncan Ralston (Author)
The Lonely Motel holds many dark secrets… and Room 6 just might possess the worst of them all.
Angel knows all about pain. His mother died in this room. He’s researched its history. Today he’s come back to end it, no matter the cost, once and for all.
Shyla, a plus-sized escort, thinks the stories Angel tells her can’t be true. Secrets so vile, you won’t want to let them inside you.
But the Lonely Motel doesn’t forget. It doesn’t forgive. And it always claims its victim.
5. Horror comedy books 2022
So Fat Ham by James Ijames, in short one young man sets out to kill his family at a barbecue for murdering his father. The cover instantly grabbed me on this one, and I must say I am eager to read it.
by James Ijames (Author)
Juicy—a young, queer, Southern man, who is grappling with questions of identity—is visited by the ghost of his father (Pap) at his mother’s wedding/family barbecue. Pap demands that Juicy avenge his recent murder. How will Juicy, a sensitive and self-aware young Black man, trying to break a cycle of trauma and toxic masculinity, avenge his father’s premature death? Fat Ham reinvents Shakespeare’s masterpiece in startling and hilarious ways amidst the backdrop of a family barbeque in the American South.
6. Best-selling horror comedy 
Leave me alone, I have an adult Scobby-Doo Mystery to read. Meddling Kids by Edgar Cantero is exactly that. And I’m sure you are like me, Scooby-Doo was a top choice cartoon for us littles that were a bit strange and liked spooky stuff. Childhood trauma peeking through, anyone?
by Edgar Cantero (Author)
With raucous humor and brilliantly orchestrated mayhem, Meddling Kids subverts teen detective archetypes like the Hardy Boys, the Famous Five, and Scooby-Doo, and delivers an exuberant and wickedly entertaining celebration of horror, love, friendship, and many-tentacled, interdimensional demon spawn.
7. Horror comedy books for beginners
Everyone in My Family Has Killed Someone by Benjamin Stevenson leans more towards the dark humor side of horror, but it is still a great read. And also a wonderful test the waters kind of book.
by Benjamin Stevenson (Author)
Everyone in my family has killed someone. Some of us, the high achievers, have killed more than once. I’m not trying to be dramatic, but it is the truth. Some of us are good, others are bad, and some are just unfortunate.
I’m Ernest Cunningham. Call me Ern or Ernie. I wish I’d killed whoever decided our family reunion should be at a ski resort, but it’s a little more complicated than that.
8. Teen & Young Adult Diversity & Multicultural Horror Comedy
So I can’t wait to read, There’s No Way I’d Die First by Lisa Springer. We get to follow an MC who knows the ropes of horror and see if she really can make it to final girl status.
by Lisa Springer (Author)
Seventeen-year-old Noelle Layne knows horror. Every trope, every warning sign, every survival tactic. She even leads a successful movie club dedicated to the genre. Who better to throw the ultimate, most exclusive Halloween party on all of Long Island?
With some of the top influencers in her school on the guest list, including gorgeous singer-songwriter Archer Mitchell, her popularity is bound to spike. She could use the social boost for an upcoming brand expansion. Nothing is going to ruin this party.
Except…maybe the budget It clown she hired for a stirring round of tag. He axes one of her classmates. From the looks of his devilish grin and bag full of killer tricks, he’s just getting started.
9. Must-read dark humor
Bunny by Mona Awad grabbed my attention because I have been a popular kid in my life, although I’ve spent most of it as a weird kid. It’s a title I wear proudly as the weird lady now. With that being said, Bunny takes these typical kids’ roles and twists them into an epic horror comedy.
by Mona Awad (Author)
Samantha Heather Mackey couldn’t be more of an outsider in her small, highly selective MFA program at New England’s Warren University. A scholarship student who prefers the company of her dark imagination to that of most people, she is utterly repelled by the rest of her fiction writing cohort–a clique of unbearably twee rich girls who call each other “Bunny,” and seem to move and speak as one.
But everything changes when Samantha receives an invitation to the Bunnies’ fabled “Smut Salon,” and finds herself inexplicably drawn to their front door–ditching her only friend, Ava, in the process. As Samantha plunges deeper and deeper into the Bunnies’ sinister yet saccharine world, beginning to take part in the ritualistic off-campus “Workshop” where they conjure their monstrous creations, the edges of reality begin to blur. Soon, her friendships with Ava and the Bunnies will be brought into a deadly collision.
10. Occult Ghosts & Haunted Houses Comedy Horror
Show of hands, how many fellow homeowners saw, Man Fuck This House, and burst out laughing. If you know, you know. Brian Asman takes us into the world of “the perfect house”, which doesn’t exist by the way, and instead of a missed termite problem, it’s a ghost problem, which is cheaper, believe me.
by Brian Asman (Author)
At first glance, the house is perfect. But things aren’t what they seem.
Sabrina’s hearing odd noises and seeing strange visions. Their neighbors are odd or absent. And Sabrina’s already-fraught relationship with her son is about to be tested in a way no parent could ever imagine.
Because while the Haskins family might be the newest owners of 4596 James Circle, they’re far from its only residents…
11. Funny horror comedy
So apparently Repossessed by D.M. Guay is the fourth in a series of utterly hilarious horror comedy books. With more available and more coming it looks like. So yeah for us, who doesn’t love a good horror comedy series?
by D.M. Guay (Author)
One loser, one talking cockroach, and one karate-chopping bombshell stand between YOU and soul-crushing, world-destroying evil.
Or not? A mysterious red door has appeared inside 24/7 Demon Mart, but when Lloyd opens it and steps in, nothing happens. Nothing bad, at least. He finds a lost room filled with treasures so good, so perfect, it seems like the Demon Mart crew’s wishes have all come true.
Kevin finds the solution to his mid-afterlife crisis and his roommate’s problems. Faust finds a renewed interest in the carnal delights of earth. Lloyd, dead tired from fighting off angry poltergeists, finally gets the one thing he so desperately desires: A nap. DeeDee? Well, she’s just angry. Really, angry.
12. British horror comedy
Well, I don’t know about you, but I love a good how-to guide. So naturally How To Be Dead by Dave Turner grabbed my attention. Throw in it’s a running British horror comedy series and I’m hooked. Shawn of the Dead anyone?
by Dave Turner (Author)
Dave Marwood is trapped in a soul-crushing dead-end job. He’s in love with his work colleague Melanie and his only friend Gary is a conspiracy theory nut.
His life is going nowhere until he has a Near Death Experience – though Death thinks of it as a Near Dave Experience. He discovers gifts he never knew he possessed and a world he never dreamed existed. A world where the Grim Reaper is a hard-drinking, grumpy Billy Joel fan and the undead are bored, lonely, and dangerous.
How To Be Dead is the first part in a series of best-selling funny urban fantasy novellas that tells the story of Death and his friends protecting humanity from ghosts, zombies, vampires, and medium-sized apocalypses.
13. Short horror comedy stories
Need anyone who is reading this, have to explain why a haunted library is a dream come true? The Librarian of the Haunted Library by Brian Yansky starts strong and will keep you laughing and gasping will the end. Bonus it’s a series, so lots more reading fun to go.
by Brian Yansky (Author)
After an altercation with a clown, I get lost in the woods and find a strange town. When the librarian of the town dies in front of me, I try on his ring. It fits. I’m declared the new librarian by the mayor and townspeople. I get to live in a houseful of books. But I soon learned the job involves more than just tomes and information. My first assignment is to discover who murdered my predecessor.
Meanwhile, I learned that the town is a whole lot stranger than I’d first thought and I’d thought it was pretty strange from the first. The library has a ghoul and a ghost, which seems excessive. Not everyone in the town of Eden is alive or even human. A headless seductress (she carries her head around with her) propositions me, but may also be trying to kill me.
14. Horror comedy books for adults
I don’t know about you, but sometimes I need reading options that are short and sweet, rather than a couple-day read. Enter, Monster Bites by Scott Burtness, 4 short stories filled with horror and comedy to keep you happily entertained in short bursts.
by Scott Burtness (Author)
Monster Bites is a collection of four short stories set in the same world as Monsters in the Midwest (Wisconsin Vamp, Northwoods Wolfman, Undead Cheesehead). Witches, trolls, werewolves, wendigos, and more await! Whether you’ve visited Trappersville before or this is your first time through, you’re in for a tasty and terrifying treat.
15. Vampire horror comedy
Bill of the Dead Strange Days by Rick Gualtieri is a vampire horror comedy for all the Bill and Ted lovers. The title practically screams it, and I mean come on. You don’t love seeing the nerd become the hero.
by Rick Gualtieri (Author)
Five years ago, dateless dork, Bill Ryder managed to save the world, banishing magic and monsters to the shadows. He thought it was over, that he was finished with that life. Turns out he was dead wrong, meaning shit’s about to get surreal again.
16. Supernatural horror comedy 
As someone who spent some time living in a trailer park, Welcome To Nightshade Trailer Park by C.W. Smallwood made me giggle when I saw it. Needless to say, if this horror comedy trailer park is anything like the one I spent time in, this ought to be interesting.
by C.W. Smallwood (Author)
Welcome to Nightshade Trailer Park, where doublewides and singlewides coexist with magic. Located in Belleville, Georgia, our mobile home community borders the Dark Woods, a forest filled with supernatural critters, beings, and things that go bump in the night. Our residents are not what they seem, but most of them are usually friendly-like.
17. Horror comedy Goodreads 
So The Book of Bart by Ryan Hill is another horror-comedy series that you should check out. If you enjoy angels and demons working together to stop horror in its tracks while laughing at their antics. You’ll enjoy this.
by Ryan Hill (Author)
Working for the man upstairs stinks, but working with Samantha, an angel in training? Offensive!
Only one thing is so powerful, so dangerous that Heaven and Hell must work together to find it: the Shard of Gabriel.
With a mysterious Black Cloud of Death hot on the shard’s trail, a desperate Heaven enlists the help of Bartholomew, a demon who knows more about the shard than almost anyone. Six years ago, he had it in his hands. If only he’d used it before his coup to overthrow the Devil failed. Now, he’s been sprung from his eternal punishment to help Samantha recover the shard before the Black Cloud of Death finds it.
18. Books like Scream movie
If there ever was a book cover that matches my personality to a tee, it would be Tastes Like Candy by Ivy Tholen. Would you just look at it, it’s Lisa Frank meets R.L. Stein and I love it.
by Ivy Tholen (Author)
Everyone at Pritchett High wants an invitation to the Senior Scavenge. In 2020, Violet Warren and her friends are the lucky ones. Eight girls will break into the Poison Apple Carnival after hours for a scavenger hunt, and then at sunrise, they’ll gather for a celebration in honor of their upcoming senior year.
But someone else has another game planned. Minutes after the girls sneak into the carnival, a madman in a rubber mask begins slashing his way through the group and Violet quickly realizes his motives are personal.
19. Classic horror comedy
So before everyone comes to inform me that everyone and their brother has already read this. I couldn’t get away from this horror comedy by Jason Pargin. John Dies At The End is stalking me, and I’ve finally given in and put it on the horror comedy list.
by David Wong (Author), Jason Pargin (Author)
You should not have touched this flyer with your bare hands. No, don’t put it down. It’s too late. They’re watching you.
My name is David. My best friend is John. Those names are fake. You might want to change yours.
You may not want to know about the things you’ll read on these pages, about the sauce, about Korrok, about the invasion, and the future. But it’s too late. You touched the book. You’re in the game. You’re under the eye.
The only defense is knowledge. You need to read this book, to the end. Even the part with the bratwurst. Why? You just have to trust me.
20. Best horror comedy 
I want to be Ivy Tholen when I grow up :). Maul Rats took me straight back to the early 2000s and the memories of wasted time spent circling the mall like a zombie. Needless to say, if you’re a 90’s kid, you must read this.
by Ivy Tholen (Author)
When Ginny stumbles upon a gruesome murder in an abandoned section of the mall, she finds herself wrapped up in a murder mystery over a year in the making. The worst part? As more bodies pile up and the police follow the most likely suspect, Ginny begins to believe Michelle may be behind it all.
Between a freakish killer in a baby-doll mascot costume, a potential killer in the bedroom next door, and a mall dripping with blood, Ginny only knows one thing: She needs to get the hell out of Texas.
This post was all about 20 horror comedy books to keep you laughing and jumping till the very end.
Now, go on, go read something!
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