Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice: A Colorful Mess of Nostalgia and Chaos

beetlejuice movies

This post is all about Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

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Hello, ghosts and ghouls! Welcome to my little cozy corner of the web, Booked and Bewitched, where we chat about all things cozy, horror, spicy and mystery related!

This week we are talking about all things Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice related.

So without further ado, let’s get into Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!  And if you need more horror-themed entertainment choices. Go check out-

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Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice Review

beetlejuice 2 review

Ah, Beetlejuice. The name itself invokes memories of a time when ghoulish humor, over-the-top antics, and a weirdly lovable bio-exorcist made us all think twice before uttering his name three times. The 1988 original was a perfect blend of dark comedy, Tim Burton’s delightful eccentricity, and Winona Ryder’s iconic portrayal of Lydia Deetz—a character who became a goth icon for many of us yearning to live in the Addams family mansion.

Fast forward to Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, and we’re back for another dose of afterlife antics. But, as they say, lightning doesn’t always strike twice. Sure, it’s colorful, loud, and brimming with nostalgia, but beneath the quirky charm lies a storyline that’s as holey as Swiss cheese. Buckle up, dear readers, because we’re diving headfirst into this zany cinematic experience. It’s time to resurrect some fond memories and pick apart the plot in true sarcastic fashion. Grab your ghostly guidebook and let’s go!

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice: A Nostalgia Trip with Some Serious Plot Holes

Let’s be honest—if you grew up loving the original Beetlejuice, chances are you had a bit of an emo phase (or still do, no judgment here) and daydreamed about being Lydia Deetz. She was the blueprint for every misunderstood, too-cool-for-this-world goth kid. So, of course, I was beyond excited to watch Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice. After all, how could a movie featuring my favorite ghost with the most possibly go wrong? Spoiler alert: it kind of does. But hey, it’s still fun to watch.

The Colorful Chaos

time burton beetlejuice

First things first: this movie is loud. No, I don’t mean “turn down the volume” loud, but rather “visually assaulting” loud. The colors pop off the screen like someone took a Crayola box and decided to throw it in a blender. The sets are bursting with vibrant hues, the costumes are bonkers, and every scene feels like it’s competing for your attention. It’s like if The Nightmare Before Christmas and a Vegas nightclub had a baby, and I’m here for it. Nostalgia drips from every crevice of this film, with familiar faces making appearances and the return of that iconic town model table (oh, how I missed thee). It’s a feast for the eyes, no doubt.

But when you stop gawking at the visuals for a hot second and start paying attention to the story—well, things get a little messy. No, scratch that. They get very messy.

The Plot: A Ghostly Tangled Web

beetle juice 2

So, here’s the thing: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice doesn’t seem entirely sure what it wants to be. Is it a tribute to the original? A setup for multiple sequels? A karaoke night at the local haunted mansion? (More on that later.) What it delivers is a chaotic smorgasbord of plotlines that seem to spiral out of control faster than you can say “sandworm.”

Let’s break it down:

On the dead side of things, we’ve got Bob and his call center—which, let’s be real, might be the most depressing depiction of the afterlife ever. A call center? For eternity? No thank you. Then there’s an ex-wife, an ex-husband, a soul-stealing ghost, a lost ghost, an unjust ghost, and something called the ghoul squad (because of course there’s a ghoul squad). If you’re thinking, “Wow, that’s a lot of ghosts,” well, you’re right! It’s like the filmmakers raided the Ghostbusters’ Rolodex and crammed every supernatural being they could find into the script.

And don’t even get me started on the land of the living. The daughter hates her mom (because, duh, what’s a movie without teenage angst?), the mom’s a ghost hunter celebrity (because apparently Ghost Adventures is a thing in this universe), someone dies, someone else dies, there’s a shady boyfriend, a wedding, another dead family member, a rescue mission, another wedding, and—oh yeah—a bunch of Bobs running around doing who-knows-what.

Confused? So was I. And we haven’t even mentioned the singing yet.

The Musical Numbers… Because Why Not?

Beetlejuice 2 worth watching

Let’s pause for a second to talk about the singing. Yes, folks, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice inexplicably includes a healthy dose of musical numbers. Now, I love a good singalong as much as the next person (who doesn’t want to belt out “Day-O” at a family dinner?), but the sheer volume of singing here is bewildering. It feels like every five minutes someone’s breaking out into song. Sure, it’s fun in a “wait, is this a musical now?” kind of way, but it does beg the question: Did we really need this much singing in a Beetlejuice sequel? Was Tim Burton hiding a Broadway star in his pocket this whole time?

The musical numbers certainly add to the chaos, but they also distract from whatever semblance of a plot we’re supposed to be following. At some point, I stopped trying to figure out why they were singing and just accepted that this is the world we live in now. Maybe I’ll wake up tomorrow, and the mailman will sing me a song while delivering bills. Who knows?

Nostalgia Bombs: The Characters We Love (and Some We Don’t)

beetlejuice movie

One of the highlights of Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is seeing familiar characters from the original. Lydia’s back, and she’s still rocking her goth vibes—though I can’t help but feel like she’s stuck in a never-ending Hot Topic shopping spree. Beetlejuice himself is as over-the-top as ever, cracking jokes, pulling pranks, and generally being the lovable (if grotesque) ghost we all adore. But it’s not just the old crew—new characters have entered the fray, and let’s just say some are hits, and some are definite misses.

Bob (yes, there’s a Bob) is a walking question mark. I still have no idea what his purpose is, other than to confuse the heck out of the audience. Then there’s the exes—both of whom seem to exist solely to remind us that ghosts have complicated relationships too. Who knew the afterlife came with so much baggage?

But for all the new faces, it’s the returning cast that really shines. There’s something comforting about seeing these characters again, even if the storyline is about as solid as a marshmallow in a microwave.

A Setup for Sequels or Just an Afterlife Crisis?

Beetlejuice movie 2

After watching the film, I couldn’t shake the feeling that Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is just the first in what’s meant to be a whole series of sequels. There’s simply too much left unresolved. Who are the Bobs? Why are they running around like lost puppies? Why does the dead call center exist? And what’s with the two weddings?

It’s as if the filmmakers thought, “Why answer questions when we can leave everything open-ended and hope for another movie?” And honestly, it makes sense. With the popularity of nostalgic reboots and sequels, why not turn Beetlejuice into a full-fledged franchise? After all, if we can have five Pirates of the Caribbean movies, why not five Beetlejuice films?

Final Thoughts: A Fun but Flawed Halloween Treat

Beetlejuice 2

At the end of the day, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is a fun watch—if you don’t think too hard about it. The film excels in hitting those nostalgic notes, bringing back beloved characters, and delivering that zany, off-the-wall humor we expect from Tim Burton’s world. The visuals are as vibrant as ever, and there are plenty of laugh-out-loud moments that make it a great choice for a Halloween movie night.

But if you’re hoping for a tightly woven plot that lives up to the original, you might be left scratching your head (or tearing your hair out, depending on your patience level). The storyline is a chaotic jumble of ghosts, ghouls, weddings, and Bobs that never quite come together into a cohesive whole. And the singing… well, let’s just say I’m still processing the musical aspect of this film.

So, would I recommend Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice? Absolutely. It’s a wild, nostalgic ride that’s perfect for fans of the original—just don’t expect too much from the plot. And hey, if nothing else, it’s a great excuse to eat popcorn while laughing at ghosts who apparently spend eternity working at a call center.

In Conclusion

tim burton movies

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice is like that eccentric relative who shows up at family gatherings: they’re loud, unpredictable, and a bit all over the place, but ultimately, you’re glad they came. It’s not the smoothest ride, but it’s a fun, colorful, and nostalgia-filled experience that will leave you with a smile (and a few questions).

So, if you’re in the mood for a chaotic Halloween treat, give it a watch. Just be prepared for a wild plot, some head-scratching moments, and a whole lot of singing. And remember—don’t say his name three times unless you’re ready for a good time!

This post was all about our thoughts on Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!

horror movies

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90s Kid Turned Goblin, Wife, Writer, Blogger & Mom

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