23 Ghost Horror Movies To Watch Tonight

ghost horror movies

This week is all about 23 Ghost horror movies that’ll scare the socks off you! We’ve even included some options for the kiddos that we love too!

ghost horror movies


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Hello all my ghouls and goblins and welcome back for another week of all things horror, spooky, and mysterious. If you’re new here, hi! Make yourself at home, take a look around, and chill for a spell.

This week we are talking about all things ghost horror movies related. Paranormal horror is probably my favorite type of movie with horror in space coming in second. With that being said, these are my 23 favorite ghost horror movies. I am by no means saying they are the scariest ghost movies around. You will not find any of the Conjuring Universe on here or the Paranormal Activity Universe. No thank you, ma’am, I like sleeping.

So let us jump into these 23 ghost horror movies that I watch year-round, much to my husband’s dismay. Oh and if you’re looking for more horror goodies to help fill your days, go check out some of these other posts of ours!

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Other than enjoying these ghost horror movies and happy hauntings.

23 Spooky Ghost Horror Movies 

1. Best ghost horror movies

best ghost horror movies

Session 9 is one of the best ghost horror movies that has zero hype. I had never heard of this until Amazon Prime suggested it. If you love old abandoned asylums that kill, Session 9 is an awesome choice. This is a good option if you aren’t a fan of jumpscares, session 9 leans heavily on the psychological horror aspects.


Genre; Thriller movie, Mental hospital movie, Mystery & Suspense/Thrillers

It looms up out of the woods like a dormant beast. Grand, imposing…abandoned and deteriorating, the Danvers State Mental Hospital, closed down for 15 years is about to receive 5 new visitors. Donning protective gear, the men of the Hazmat Elimination Co. venture into the eerily vast and vacant asylum that is filled with an evil and mysterious past. Rampant patient abuse, medieval medical procedure and rumors of demonic possession are some of the many dark secrets the hospital holds—but then so do each of the men.

2.Must Add ghost movies list

ghost movies list

Grave Encounters is one of those ghost movies that until very recently I kept meaning to watch and always skipped over. That was until Gab Smolders mentioned how it is a top spot holder on her ghost movies list. Needless to say, after finally watching it is one of my top favorites too. If you like the found footage-style ghost movie, Grave Encounters is a must-see.


Genre; Horror, Supernatural

A reality TV show crew films inside an abandoned mental hospital where unexplained phenomena was reported. They quickly realize that the building is more than haunted. It has no intention of ever letting them leave.

3. Thrilling ghost movie

thrilling ghost movie

The Blackwell Ghost is a documentary-style thrilling ghost movie that I stumbled upon one rainy afternoon and now watch at least once a month. Theories abound as to whether the movie is real or fake, but in the spirit of ghost horror movies, it’s still fun to watch. The husband and wife who make the film are easy to see yourself in, as well as how they react to said ghost and her antics.


Genre; Documentary·, Anxious, Intense, Tense

A filmmaker tries to prove that ghosts are real but soon regrets his intentions after he finds himself being terrorized in a haunted house by a ghost with a dark past. An authentic documentary that shows actual ghost footage that was captured on camera.

4. Eerie movies lost at sea

eerie movies

Ghost Ship has been an eerie movies favorite of mine since it was released. It is kind of corny, yeah, but that opening scene with the dance floor is horror movie gold. If you love creepy old cruise liners lost at sea, betrayal, murder, ghosts, and demons, Ghost Ship is a campy fun choice.


Genre; Suspense, Horror, Eerie, Frightening

The crew of a salvage boat discovers that an abandoned ocean liner they’ve found is actually a floating house of horrors.

5. Horror movies that give you chills

horror movies that give you chills

13 Ghosts is one of those horror movies that give you chills no matter how many times I’ve seen it. It’s been ages since I’ve watched it, but I can still vividly remember the junkyard scene and the bathtub scene. 13 Ghosts takes a mixture of tarot horror, portal horror, and ghost horror mixing them together to make a great spooky movie.


Genre; Suspense Horror Frightening Thrilling

A family inherits an elegant mansion from a deceased relative. The catch is that along with the house comes a slew of ghosts that can be seen only through special goggles.

6. Sad movies about ghosts

sad movies about ghosts

Crimson Peak is somehow scary as hell and sad movies about ghosts all at the same time.  It’s a gothic romance horror, in all the best ways, and Charlie Hunnam is in it, so bonus points. The twist in this movie is a shocker and it truly is sad in the end.


Genre; Suspense Horror Mysterious Passionate

In this gothic romance, a mysterious stranger, Sir Thomas Sharpe, woos young Edith Cushing and brings her as his bride to his mansion atop a mountain in Cumbria, England. There, Edith learns that her new home holds many disturbing secrets.



7. Best haunted house ghost thriller horror movies

best haunted house ghost thriller horror movies

The Haunting is one of the best haunted house ghost thriller horror movies ever as far as I’m concerned. The book is awesome as well, but if you like your ghost horror movies to have some actual plot and story to them, not just jumpscares The Haunting isn’t a bad choice.


Genre; Suspense Horror Cerebral Eerie

In this edge-of-your-seat supernatural thriller featuring Hollywood’s hottest stars, a study in fear escalates into a heart-stopping nightmare for a professor and three subjects trapped in a mysterious mansion.

8. Top ten Hollywood horror movies of all time

top ten Hollywood horror movies of all time

House on Haunted Hill is hands down the top ten Hollywood horror movies of all time.I have this film remastered in color and it is one my son and I watch constantly. Is it scary? Uh no, not really, but it’s a campy classic that the whole family can enjoy. Besides Vincent Price is a horror movie icon and legend who should be watched with a smile on your face.


Genre; Suspense Horror Campy Serious

Frederick Loren (Vincent Price) an eccentric millionaire who, along with his wife Annabelle, has invited five people to a “haunted house” party. Whoever stays in the house for one night will earn $10,000.

9. Top 10 ghost movies

top 10 ghost movies

The Woman in Black is hands down on the top 10 ghost movies ever. I’m probably a little biased as I am a huge fan of the book, but the movie is great too. If you love a good old gothic horror story, this is a great choice. I mean come on, who doesn’t love a creepy ass isolated manor full of creepy shenanigans.


Genre; Suspense Horror Eerie Ominous

A lawyer is forced to leave his young son and travel to a remote village to attend to the affairs of the recently deceased owner of Eel Marsh House.

10. Best horror movies of all time

best horror movies of all time

So 1408 is in my opinion one of the best horror movies of all time. This takes personal hell with ghosts to a whole new level, and while I do wish we would have gotten a little more backstory to the room, I also understand time constraints and budget. Anyway, this is a great movie for all the non-believers out there.


Genre; Suspense Fantasy Gritty Ominous

A man writing a book about the paranormal travels to New York and stays in a hotel room that has been said to be responsible for the death of all the guests that come to stay. Based on the short story by Stephen King.



11. YA ghost horror movie

YA ghost horror movie

Monster House is the cutest ghost horror movie to watch with your young ones and middle schoolers. I watch this with my kids all the time, but it is a spooky season favorite for sure. While it may be an animated feature, it covers some deep topics under the guise of a ghost story.


Genre; Comedy Animation Fantastic Frightening

Three friends discover that their neighbor’s house is really a living, breathing, scary monster.

12. Middle school friendly ghost horror movie

Middle School Ghost Horror Movie

Goosebumps is a generational gem, and I won’t be told otherwise. I grew up devouring the books and the TV show, so when the movies came out I had to have those too. I’m pretty sure I enjoy these more than my YA does, but hey, what are going to do? If you love a young ghost horror movie Goosebumps is a great watch for the fam.


Genre; Horror Fantasy Eerie Fantastic

When monsters are unleashed from their manuscripts & terrorize a town, it’s up to R.L. Stine, Zach & Hannah to get them back in their books.

13. Most scary horror movies Hollywood

most scary horror movies hollywood

The Shining is one of the most scary horror movies hollywood, but the book was better. I said what I said. The Shining is a cult classic horror movie that nails haunted hotels to a tee. It’s still creepy even after being a billion years old (according to my teen). This movie like many others addresses some very deep topics if you’re paying attention.


Genre; Science Fiction Suspense Cerebral Ominous

All work and no play makes Academy Award® winner Jack Nicholson, the caretaker of an isolated resort, go way off the deep end, terrorizing his young son and wife Shelley Duvall.

14. Fun comedy ghost movies

comedy ghost movies

The House is an 80’s comedy ghost movies that you have to watch at least once. It’s silly as all get out, but it’s also got it’s creepy moments. It’d be a perfect backyard viewing kind of film. It’s campy and fun and the monsters and ghosts are downright silly.


Genre; Comedy Fantasy Frightening Outlandish

Horror novelist Roger Cobb is a man on the edge, reeling from his recent divorce, haunted by the mysterious disappearance of his young son, and struggling with his new book about his traumatic experiences in Vietnam. But when he moves into the strange house left to him by his late aunt, Roger’s precarious sanity comes under siege by nightmares.

15. Terrifying ghost stories movies

ghost stories movies

The Taking Of Debhora Logan is a terrifying ghost stories movies. Some will argue it’s a demonic possession film, I think it’s both honestly. Besides the documentary style of the movie, it does an amazing job of scaring the living daylights out of you, while also showing the grim reality of Alzheimer’s.


Genre; Suspense Horror Atmospheric Eerie

An elderly woman battling Alzheimer’s disease agrees to let a film crew document her condition, but what they discover is something far more sinister going on.

16. Great ghost horror movie

great ghost horror movie

Book of Blood is not a ghost horror movie to watch with your kids. In Clive Barker fashion it’s very gory and will turn your stomach at times. This film takes on a path of what would happen if ghosts went beyond talk boxes and spirit boards and started using the living as a walking chalkboard basically.


Genre; Suspense Horror Eerie Malicious

A paranormal expert investigating a brutal murder discovers a house that stands at the intersection of several supernatural “highways” designed to transport souls to the afterlife in this adaptation of an original story by horror icon Clive Barker.

17. Thrilling haunted house ghost movie

thriller ghost horror movie

So we covered the original House On Haunted Hill already, and I can promise you House Of Haunted Hill has the bare minimum in similarity. This one takes us into the awful underbelly of “medical treatment” in asylums at the height of their use. We all know how well that went for everyone. It’s been a while since I’ve watched this, but that roller coaster scene in the very beginning will always freak me out.


Genre; Suspense Horror Eerie Scary

In this thriller, five people agree to spend the night in a haunted house in exchange for one million dollars but they must live through the night to receive it.


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18. B ghost horror movies

B ghost horror movies

Darkness Reigns is one of those B ghost horror movies that you think is going to be awful, but then it turns out to not be so terrible. What would happen if the special features director for a horror movie ends up capturing all the actors and staff being slaughtered while they are trying to film? Awards and lots of money naturally.


Genre; Suspense Horror Fantasy

Daniel Whitaker, who always thought he would hit it big in Hollywood, has been relegated to shooting behind-the-scenes on various feature film sets. But that all changes when he captures the footage of a hellish paranormal occurrence. Will Daniel make it out alive or will he perish inside with all the others, leaving behind only the gruesome footage he has captured?

19. Paranormal movies based on true stories

paranormal movies based on true stories

Winchester is a paranormal movies based on true stories, that I constantly watch because the story of Lady Winchester and her Rose Red house fascinates me. It’s a little heavy on the jumpscares for my tastes, but all those doors nailed shut are definitely spooky.


Genre; Suspense Horror Cerebral Fantastic

A widow haunted. A house possessed. A family cursed. Step inside the most haunted house in history in this chilling film inspired by true events.

20. Best paranormal horror movies

best paranormal movies 2017

Autopsy of Jane Doe is one of the best paranormal movies 2017 hands down, or maybe it is 2016, anyhoo. If you want to watch a film where the ghost of a young girl wrecks the lives of like 8 people in an hour, here you go. It’s an epic film, that keeps you on the edge of your seat guessing until the very end, and I promise you won’t see the twist coming.


Genre; Suspense Arthouse Mysterious Ominous

Coroners are mystified by an unidentified corpse, until a series of terrifying events make it clear: Jane Doe may not be dead.

21. Creepy horror movies

creepy horror movies

The Cursed is argued in my home- it’s a demonic possession film, no it’s a ghost horror movie. Overall I think it’s a creepy horror movies about the ghost of a wronged gypsy who calls on her ancestor to avenge her. In the end, that damn wheat field scene will haunt my nightmares every time I drive or walk past a grain field.


Genre; Horror Fantasy Serious Tense

In the late 1800s, a man arrives in a remote country village to investigate an attack by a wild animal but discovers a much deeper and sinister force that has the manor and its townspeople in its grip.

22. Creepy horror ghost ship movie

ghost horror movie

Haunting Of Queen Mary is another spooky ship ghost horror movie that I love. It jumps around in the story quite a bit, but it also forces you to pay attention and watch for details and clues. I personally love a horror film that twists and turns and keeps you guessing until the very end.


Genre; Suspense Drama Horror

A psychological horror, Haunting of the Queen Mary explores the mysterious and violent events surrounding one family’s voyage on Halloween night in 1938, and their interwoven destiny with another family onboard the infamous ocean liner present day.

23. Terrifying eerie horror movie

creepy horror movies

So The Deep House took all my fears and crammed them in this creepy horror movies. It’s a little slow at the start, but once you get in the house and start putting the pieces together boy does it twist the knife in. It’ll make you stop and think just how far are you willing to go to get something.


Genre; Suspense Horror Tense Thoughtful

Tina and Ben are a couple of young youtubers specialized in underwater exploration videos. While diving in a remote French lake, they discover a house submerged in deep waters.

This post is all about 21 whodunit or whodunnit mystery videogames to keep you guessing till the very end.

 Now, go on, go play something!

ghost horror movie

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90s Kid Turned Goblin, Wife, Writer, Blogger & Mom

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