25 Crazy Good Horror Games Multiplayer That You And Your Friends Need To Play ASAP!

horror games multiplayer

This post is all about 25 make-you-scream horror games multiplayer that will ruin and make your friends’ weekend! 

Horror Games Multiplayer


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Hey Y’all, thanks for stopping by booked and bewitched! This week we are talking about all things Horror Games, and Multiplayer related.

For those of you who don’t normally play this genre, a little information. Horror video games focus on horror and are intended to scare the players and/or players. So unlike other video games, horror games are almost always narrative-based games with high visual presentation and gameplay types. They tend to center around ghosts, aliens, exorcisms, monsters, demons, hauntings, zombies, mutants, survival, first-person shooter, investigation, and or the creepy and crawly. 

So without further ado, let’s get into these Horror Video Games, Multiplayer.  Oh, and if you’re looking for more horror fun, check out our post of 19 Thriller Horror Books To Add To Your Library As Soon As Possible! To keep you company tonight! 


25 Terrifying Horror Games Multiplayer To Scare The Bejesus Out Of You


1. Hellish Good Time FPS Horror Game- Take 2

FPS Horror Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So take all the above goodies, throw in 12-player versus mode, 6-player survival mode, or solo play. With more gore, new monsters, more guns and weapons, and better hand-to-hand combat, it’s a fan favorite for sure. With flavors similar to Resident Evil, if you love an FPS Horror Game, you can’t go wrong with this one. 

2. A Hellishly Great Horror Game Multiplayer 

Horror Game Multiplayer

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- Horror investigation game with up to 4 players. You and your friends travel around to haunted places and find out what transpired. Solve the mystery of how each ghost came to be, and get out alive! With ever-evolving maps, ghosts, and stories this ghost adventure horror game is a good time to be had by all! 

3. Amazing Must-Play Ghost Hunting Game

Ghost Hunting Video Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- An “oldie”, but a goodie. This 4 players ghost-hunting game will test both your bravery and your skills of deduction. You and your friends are thrown into the ghost-hunting profession with a mixture of equipment and religious items to survive your jobs. From houses to asylums this game keeps getting better and better! If you have the hankering to be a paranormal investigator, this is the perfect game to test yourself with. 


4. Spine-Tingling Good Time Horror Game

Horror Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- This 4 personal horror game, will have you walking on eggshells through the entire gameplay. The object of the game is to escape the woods on foot after you’re in a vehicle accident. The fun begins when every tiny noise attracts some not-so-friendly beings to you. A nail-biting good time for anyone terrified of dark woods, and creepy shit lurking….

5. Nightmarish Co-Op Horror Game

 Co-Op Horror Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So this is a 1-4 co-op horror game, that will have you freaking the hell out if you hate chase gameplay. The objective is to make your way through the maze of the backrooms while not getting caught and gathering evidence. Imagine a corn maze, but office building style. Humming fluorescent light, the god-awful yellow wallpaper, and the bad carpet. Add in a creepy-as-hell monster and few-and-far-between crawl spaces to hide in, and you’re in for a hell of a good time! 


6. Heart Attack Inducing Horror Story Game 

Horror Story Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So if you love a good old witch trials tale, this horror story multiplayer game is for you and your friends. This game offers both standalone and multiplayer options. This is a story-based gameplay, where each choice you make affects the outcome of the game. The story follows 4 college students and their professors as they try and find help in the mostly empty town of Little Hope. Full of fun jump scares and witch trial backstory this is a great way to spend a weekend with friends. 


7. Scare You Out Of Your Skin Horror Games Multiplayer 

Horror Games Multiplayer

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- If you’ve ever wondered what it would be like to work on a paranormal team, this game will fulfill your itch. With over 8 types of ghosts, vampires, demons, and other entities you and your friends will have to use the tech, tools, and mystery-solving skills to figure you the age, type, and mood of each location’s ghost. Study and catch ghosts, in a variety of abandoned locations. This horror survival game is a blast to play, full of great jump scares and awesome locations! 


8. Oldie But Goodie Multiplayer Horror Survival Game

Multiplayer Horror Survival Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So if you took a long gaming hiatus, like me, you may have missed this Multiplayer horror survival game. It’s okay, no judgment here, I get it, I go through dry spells too. Anyhoo, this one gives you the chance to play as the killer, and I mean come on. Who hasn’t wanted to smack their friends around at some point? (Don’t look at me like that) With 36 chapters, yes 36, and up to 4 player options this is a goodie. Your goal is to escape the killing grounds or make sure they don’t escape your killing grounds. With options out the ears, I’ll let you dive into all those goodies. Good luck!   

9. Panic-Inducing Psychological Horror Game 

Psychological Horror Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- This psychological horror game allows you and 3 friends the experience of cleansing a location of entities. You not only have to figure out the type of ghost haunting your location, but you also have to exercise the ghost. But don’t act too hastily or you won’t like the outcome, I promise. With over 20 types of ghosts, and a full tool kit of paranormal research devices at your disposal, this paranormal horror game is a good time! 


10. Chill Inducing Multiplayer Horror Thriller 

Multiplayer Horror Thriller

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- This multiplayer horror thriller has given more gamers jump scares than we care to admit. With 3 separate missions to choose from you and your friends will have a jumping good time with this one. Choose a mission, and hold on to your hats. The longer you play, the smarter and faster the ghosts get, anticipating your moves and actions. This game challenges you to stay quiet, and out of sight and figure out how to pacify the ghost before they make you one of them. 


11. One Of The Best Co-Op Horror Games

Best Co-Op Horror Games

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So I haven’t got to play this story-rich horror game yet, but it looks awesome. You play as members of a special forces military unit at the end of the Iraq war looking for buried weapons of mass destruction. Instead, you come across an ancient temple buried in the sand. Oh, and it’s full of creepy crawly creatures that think you’re a walking snack. This game offers 2 styles of multiplayer online co-op or offline 5-player pass-the-pad mode. You can’t go wrong with a dark pictures game! 

12. Terrifyingly Good Horror Games

Good Horror Games

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- I swear I have seen more grown men scream like little girls while playing this multiplayer horror game than I care to admit. The objective seems simple enough, enter the house, “steal” the list of objects given to you, and get out. Easier said than done when the said house is haunted and not happy with you turning on lights or stealing their shit. 1-4 player options, with in-game markets allowing you to buy better burglar gear, bigger houses, and heist perks. Multiple map options and replay of maps options make this game a hellaciously good time. OH and fun fact, you’re not safe outside. Have fun… 

13. Fiendish Good Time FPS Horror Game  

Multiplayer first-person shooter horror game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- If you would like the non-VR version of this it is available on Steam! This oldie-but-goodie Multiplayer first-person shooter horror game sets you in England after the country has been destroyed by monsters. You and 5 friends are tasked with cleansing the areas of the failed experiments. With 10 types of monsters, armed with a variety of goodies from claws to chainsaws it’s a rip-roaring good time. 33 weapon choices, armor, medical equipment, and much more, you might just survive. 

14. Hell Raising Good Time Co-Op Horror Survival Game

Co-Op Horror Survival Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- A co-op horror survival game, you and up to 3 friends have to try and stop a possessed cultist before they add you to their ranks. Easy peasy, right? Each play is randomized, so you never really play the same map twice as items, locked doors, and other fun times move around. With multiple location options, this game is full of hair-raising jump scares and all-around fun horror times.


15. Finger Licking Good Survival Horror Game 

Survival Horror Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So no list would be complete without mentioning this survival horror game. While. I missed all the hoopla of this release (don’t judge me, I had a newborn, okay!) I must say it is a fan favorite. You are tasked with surviving in the wild after your plane crashes. Oh, and the forest is full of cannibal mutants, just another day in paradise, right? 


16. Jump Scare Heaven Dark Horror Action Game

Dark Horror Action Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So you and three friends need something to do this weekend right? 9-5 dragging you down? How about you a little dark horror action game to pass the time? This game is a fun time for all, and if you have that one friend who loves to play the bad guy (slowly raises hand) this one lets you play as the entity chasing after everyone’s soul. Each choice you make changes the outcome of the story, and you have to use all the tools given to you to figure out how to banish the entity. Set in a haunted orphanage this one is a goodie! 


17. Sickly Sweet Modern Horror Game Multiplayer 

Modern Horror Game Multiplayer

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- Who doesn’t love playing as a rebellious kid? In this modern horror co-op game, we and up to three friends are struggle bussing to figure out why everyone in town sleepwalks every night, but has no idea why or memory of it. Create your characters, and go after the “shape”. Fun fact, it can only be seen with eyes shut. With 8 expansion options, this game keeps on giving.


18. Ancient Fun Co-Op Horror Games

Co-Op Horror Games

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- I’m not one for hunting games, it’s not my strong suit. But if you are looking for an up to 5-person horror hunting game where you are tasked with either hunting down the chupacabras or BEING the chupacabra and eating your friends. Here ya go! You have to, find your way around the creepy ass forest and building, find weapons and ammunition, save the goats, kill the chupacabra, oh and don’t get eaten. Sounds like a banger of a good time! 

19. Amazing Scary Co-Op Horror Game

Scary Co-Op Horror Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- Co-Op horror game, that challenges not only your backbone but also your puzzle-solving skills. Play with 1-4 friends as you try and survive the hedge maze. Y’all, if you enjoy twisty turny maze games while being chased by creepy shit, here ya go! The more you grow the more challenging the maps, puzzles, and monsters get! 


20. Scary Sci-fi multiplayer horror game

Sci-fi multiplayer horror game

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- It’s fitting the word cry is in the title. You and up to 8 friends are tasked with killing the god-awful monsters in this sci-fi multiplayer horror game. OH, fun surprise, one of you is the monster, but ya gotta keep them from figuring that out. Objectives, as the uninfected humans, get out of the location before everyone dies. As the monster in disguise, kill everyone and don’t get burned. This game allows you to customize your characters, with multiple map options and locations that are ever-changing play-throughs it’s a good time to be had by all. 


21. Top Indie Multiplayer Horror Games 

Top Indie Multiplayer Horror Games

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- So this 1-4 player indie multiplayer horror game tasks you with exploring haunted locations, fending off dark entries, and then banishing them to the spiritual realm. Seems easy enough, right? Yeah, those yucky boogers from the spirit realms get faster and more aggressive as you make your way through the game. So yeah, watch out for that. The developers offer new maps, enemies, and ways to play for free! Who doesn’t love a good freebie?


22. Amazing Co-Op Horror To Play With Friends 

Co-Op Horror To Play With Friends

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- This older 4-person co-op horror game puts you in a deserted nordic town, fighting off nightmare creatures and trying to keep your sanity intact. With over 20 unlockable endings in multiplayer mode, 24 weapon choices, and a terrifying location it will keep you entrained for hours on end. 


23. One of The Best Co-Op Horror Games 

Best Co-Op Horror Games

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- Y’all, this game has over 40 add-on goodies. 40! From characters to maps and weapons, this one is fun all around. So its 1895, and your bayou in Louisiana is infested with monsters. You and up to 3 friends are in essence bounty hunters tasked with tracking down your infected target and taking them out. This open-world horror game is sure to provide hours of gameplay for you and your friends!


24. Must Play Steam Horror Games 

Must Play Steam Horror Games

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- This survival horror game tasks you and up to 4 friends with hunting down Bigfoot, Oh, and one of you can be Bigfoot. With multiple national park map options and ever updating weapons and Bigfoot, this horror hunting game is sure to provide hours of fun. 

25. Upcoming Must-Play Horror Games Multiplayer 

Upcoming Horror Games Multiplayer

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- So we await this ghost-hunting game with bated breath. You and up to three friends are tasked with banishing the spirits of cursed places and locations. Each playthrough will offer unique ghosts and random events, making each play different. The jump scares look amazing, and who doesn’t love a good old ghost-hunting adventure? 

This post was all about 25 hair-raising horror games multiplayer to try ASAP! Seriously, go. Whoever said video games rot your brain is full of it! 

best horror games multiplayer

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