25 Of The Best Horror Video Games You Can Play By Yourself, If You’re Brave Enough!

best horror videogames

This post is all about 25 of the best horror video games that will keep you up all night with your lights on!

Best Horror Video Games


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Hey Y’all, thanks for stopping by booked and bewitched! This week we are talking about all things the best of the best horror video games related.

For those of you who don’t normally play this genre, a little information. Horror video games focus on horror and are intended to scare the player. So unlike other video games, horror games are almost always narrative-based games with high visual presentation and gameplay types. They tend to center around ghosts, aliens, exorcisms, monsters, demons, hauntings, zombies, mutants, survival, first-person shooter, investigation, and or the creepy and crawly. 

So without further ado, let’s get into these Best Horror Video Games.  Oh, and if you’re looking for more horror fun, check out our post of 19 Thriller Horror Books To Add To Your Library As Soon As Possible! To keep you company tonight! 


25 Best Horror Video Games For the Bravest of The Brave 


1. Heart Attack Inducing Horror Story Game

Horror Story Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So if you love a good old witch trials tale, this horror story game is for you. This game offers both standalone and multiplayer options. This is a story-based gameplay, where each choice you make affects the outcome of the game. The story follows 4 college students and their professors as they try and find help in the mostly empty town of Little Hope. Full of fun jump scares and witch trial backstory this is a great way to spend your downtime. 


2. One Of The Best Story Rich Horror Games

Best Co-Op Horror Games

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So I haven’t got to play this story-rich horror game yet, but it looks awesome. You play as members of a special forces military unit at the end of the Iraq war looking for buried weapons of mass destruction. Instead, you come across an ancient temple buried in the sand. Oh, and it’s full of creepy crawly creatures that think you’re a walking snack. This game offers 3 styles of gameplay. Single-player, multiplayer online co-op, or offline 5-player pass-the-pad mode. You can’t go wrong with a dark pictures game!


3. Upcoming Must-Play Best Horror Video Game

Upcoming Horror Games Multiplayer

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- So I can’t wait to get my hands on this ghost-hunting game. You are tasked with banishing the spirits of cursed places and locations. Each play will offer unique ghosts and random events, making each play different. The jump scares look amazing, and who doesn’t love a good old ghost-hunting adventure?


4. Finger Licking Good Survival Horror Game

Survival Horror Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So did you see what I did there? No, it’s okay ;). No list would be complete without mentioning this survival horror game. While. I missed all the hoopla of this release (don’t judge me, I had a newborn, okay!) I must say it is a fan favorite. You are tasked with surviving in the wild after your plane crashes. Oh, and the forest is full of cannibal mutants, just another day in paradise, right?


5. Amazing Must-Play Ghost Hunting Horror Game

Ghost Hunting Video Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- An “oldie”, but a goodie. This ghost-hunting game will test both your bravery and your skills of deduction. You are thrown into the ghost-hunting profession with a mixture of equipment and religious items to survive your jobs. From houses to asylums this game keeps getting better and better! If you have the hankering to be a paranormal investigator, this is the perfect game to test yourself with.


6. Best Panic-Inducing Story Rich Horror Game 

Story Rich Horror Game 

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So if you have a borderline unhealthy obsession with serial killers, like myself, this story-rich horror game is a must-have for you. It places you in the middle of an H.H. Holmes-style murder house with a copycat killer. In the typical Dark Pictures style, each choice has consequences both good and bad. 


7. Scare You Out Of Your Skin Psychological Horror Game

psychological horror game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- While it’s an older game, it is still a hell of a good time. With layers of fear vibes, you’re tasked with wandering the once-happy home in this psychological horror game, and figuring out what happened. The deeper you go the worse it gets and the better the jump scares become! 


8. Indie Horror Adventure Game

Indie Horror Adventure Game

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So I’m showing my age, but I vividly remember when the original movie hit theaters. So you can bet I jumped all over this Indie Horror Adventure Game. You and your trusty German Shepard are searching for a new round of missing teens, and don’t for a second think it’s just the movie redone. It will scare the holy living daylight outta you all over again.  

9. Heartburn-Inducing Dark Horror Thriller

Dark Horror Thriller

Booked & Bewitched Babbles- So this is a Russian summer camp- needless to say the translation gets wonky at times. Otherwise, this is a great Dark Horror Thriller game, with a building sense of dread, and a pretty cool backstory. You are a non-believer in the paranormal tasked with proving this abandoned summer camp isn’t haunted as rumors say. Needless to say, you’re a believer in the end.


10. Dark Psychological Horror Game

dark psychological horror game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So personally I think slow-building horror is way worse than fast-paced, but that’s just me. Here you wander the ever-changing massive house, but don’t let the comforting surroundings fool you. You are not alone. Something is after you in this dark psychological horror game


11. One Of The Best Cinematic Horror Video Games 

Best Cinematic Horror Video Games

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So I haven’t got to play this Best Cinematic Horror Video Game yet, but it looks awesome. Ghost ships, c’mon now! Good news, the next episode of this series is set to hit this year with a space adventure. I’m sure it’ll be a blast! 

12. Must Play Exploration Horror Game

Exploration Horror Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So if you like exploration horror video games with occult vibe asylum with better lighting and fewer monsters, mixed with the layers of the fear mansion then this one is for you. While a bit older, it doesn’t fail to deliver on jump scares and a good story. You are a secret agent sent to clean up a dirty government experiment before being admitted to the U.N. 

13. Fiendish Good Time Survival Horror Game 

Survival Horror Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So if you like cosmic Lovecraftian-style horror but don’t wanna fully submerge yourself into a Lovecraft world, The Chant is you for. Your goal in this game is to go to a retreat on an isolated island, meditate, eat kale, and heal your trauma. Easy enough right- WRONG. Like every good cult, the true purpose is hidden under all the green drinks and letters to self. Do you have what it takes to upend this 70’s cult with its loving attachment to infinite evil or will you be another lost soul? 

14. Indie Psychological Horror Game

Indie Psychological Horror Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So I’m gonna say it, the first one was better than the second. You are a not-so-stable painter, whose home seems to have a case of the Rose Reds. With challenging but not impossible puzzles and exploration that is both tricky and fun, along with plenty of amazing and unexpected jump scares. This indie horror game is still one of my top faves! Oh and we’re supposed to get number 3 this year :)! 


15. Jump Scare Heaven Horror Hunting Game 

Horror Hunting Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- Fun fact, I’m TERRIFIED of the ocean- more specifically the stuff living in the ocean. This horror-hunting game takes every worst-case scenario that could happen while diving and brings it to life. Each dive you look for goodies such as treasure and gear while trying to not be eaten by whatever is lurking below in the dark or the murk. SO MUCH ANXIETY…..


16. Sickly Sweet Modern Horror Video Game

Horror Puzzle Game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So toy factories are now terrifying. You take it upon yourself to venture into the creepy toy factory where everyone vanished and figure out what’s happening. Not gonna lie, chapter one was a little yawn, until we got to the build-a-bear area. At this time my heart stopped, and I didn’t breathe again until I finished the game. This is one of the most intense and terrifying chases EVER.  This great horror puzzle game is FREE for the first chapter, and then each following chapter costs. You can’t go wrong with this one, and it’s free so yeah. 


17. Must Have Single Player Survival Horror VideoGame 

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So this Single Player Survival Horror Game combines cursed locations, ghosts, monsters, cultists, demons, and puzzles. With multiple locations to choose from, including the new subway map (haven’t got to play this one yet) it’s hours upon hours of fun with replay options as each map has multiple endings! 

18. Amazing Sci-Fi Horror Video Game 

sci-fi horror game

Booked and Bewitched Babbles- So in this time-looping sci-fi horror game, you’re locked on the space station and have to escape whatever is lurking on the station with you. We went back is an escape room-style game, this is a short game but a blast nonetheless. For all the dead space lovers out there this one is a little tip of the hat toward the style! 


19. Scary Fun Indie Puzzle Horror Game

Indie Puzzle Horror Game

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- You are a police officer in 80’s Italy, in this Indie Puzzle Horror Game, called out to search for a missing doctor. Now in true horror fashion, our so-called Doc isn’t as wholesome as claimed. Make your way through the house, and the cellar, without going insane or getting possessed! 


20. Amazing Story Rich Horror Game

Best Story Rich Horror Video Game

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- So this is set in a creepy-as-hell amusement park. I love the looks of this story-rich horror game because it seems to drive you to learn the story and dive into the horror of it, instead of fighting to stay alive the entire time. This game is on my to-play list and I cannot wait to jump into it. Hauntings, murders, missing kids, and you know there’s gonna be creepy ass clowns somewhere. 


21. Awesome Sci-Fi Horror Adventure Game

Sci-Fi Horror Adventure Game

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- Y’all, I’m not a huge alien game fan, but this Sci-Fi Horror Adventure Game made me love them again. I love the sci-fi genre, but it gets repetitive. The story in this one, just when you think you’ve figured out the plot, is TWIST. So this cosmic horror game places you on Mars where we are establishing a top-secret research outpost. Naturally, you have no idea about this, and it’s all sunshine and rainbows until the rest of your team goes missing and everything starts malfunctioning. The story and gameplay in this are amazing and a must-play for anyone who loves horror, cosmic, sci-fi, or Lovecraftian-style gaming! 


22. One of The Best Puzzle Action Horror Games 

Best Puzzle Action Horror Games 

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- I never in my life thought that a cartoon cutout could be so flipping creepy. Yet, that little dude scared me more than I cared to talk about. In this Single Player Horror Game, you play as a former illustrator for Bendy, you stop by to see your old pals and your buddies’ new grand investment. Needless to say, everyone is missing, the ink has taken over and the cutouts didn’t use to move…


23. Must Play First Person Shooter Horror Game 

First Person Shooter Horror Game 

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- Do you have what it takes to save humanity from the infected hordes? With both single and multiplayer options and random replay, this zombie First-Person Shooter Horror Game will test you in a variety of ways. Customize your builds, skills, and weapons and wage war on legions of mutated zombies, with some bosses being over 20 feet tall. If you love a good zombie game this one is for you! 

24. Must Play Adventure Survival Horror

Adventure Survival Horror

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- So I haven’t got to play this one yet, but y’all. It’s a stay-alive, no-combat-style horror game with, a haunted/cursed locations story. So the evil that resides in the location of your missing person is controlled by advanced AI so it learns your moves and adapts to better kill you. GREAT! You can pick from 13 characters to play with, but once they die, they die. You have to pick another character and try again. With three different locations and stories, I cannot wait to get my hands on this one and see if I can solve the mystery and survive. 


25.  Up All Night Indie Gore Simulation Game

Booked And Bewitched Babbles- So fun fact, I’m a certificated and trained crime scene cleaner. So when this popped up in my recommended games list I had to play it, You are tasked with cleaning up an evil summoning gone wrong. It’s campy, it’s funny, and it’s a gory good time. Never would have thought power washing was the missing piece of the exorcism kit. 

This post was all about 25 of the best horror video games that will keep you up all night with your lights on!  Seriously, go. Whoever said video games rot your brain is full of it! 

Best Horror Video Games

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90s Kid Turned Goblin, Wife, Writer, Blogger & Mom

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