Terrifier 3: The Goriest Christmas Movie You Didn’t Know You Needed

So Let’s dive into the madness that is Terrifier 3.

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Hello, all my fellow Grinches and Scrooges! Welcome to my little cozy corner of the web, Booked and Bewitched, where we chat about all things cozy, horror, spicy and mystery related!

Move over, jolly ol’ Saint Nick—Art the Clown is here to ruin your holiday season in the most blood-soaked, cringe-inducing way possible. Terrifier 3 has arrived just in time for Christmas, and trust me, if you’re tired of wholesome Hallmark holiday specials, this movie has a gift-wrapped bloodbath with your name on it.

So, in case you were wondering, Terrifier 3 answers all the burning questions you may (or may not) have had about Art’s backstory, delivers an eye-popping level of gore, and throws a festive Santa suit into the mix. Because who doesn’t want their Christmas horror complete with a serial killer dressed like Santa?

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Terrifier 3 Review

A Christmas Slasher Extravaganza

david howard thornton

Okay, let’s get one thing straight: Terrifier 3 is NOT your typical Christmas movie. It’s not even a subversive “let’s ruin Christmas” horror flick like Krampus. No, this movie is something else entirely—a nightmarish bloodbath dressed in red, white, and guts, where Art the Clown trades in his usual wardrobe for a Santa suit and proceeds to turn the holiday spirit into an actual massacre.

And yet, somehow, the Christmas theme is so background that if Art hadn’t been frolicking around in his Santa getup for half the film, I might have forgotten this was supposed to be a holiday slasher. Don’t get me wrong—the Santa suit was a choice, but the real star of the show is the carnage. If you were hoping for some sleigh bells and mistletoe, this might not be your movie. But if you’re here for blood-spattered Christmas cheer, then buckle up because Terrifier 3 delivers.

Art’s Lore (Finally!) Unveiled

So if you’ve ever found yourself lying awake at night, pondering the deep lore of Art the Clown, congratulations—you’re about to get some answers. Yes, Terrifier 3 actually dips into the backstory of everyone’s favorite mime-like psychopath. Now, I won’t spoil it for you, but let’s just say there’s a whole lot more going on behind that terrifying face paint than we originally thought. It’s a nice touch, considering we’ve spent two movies wondering, “What’s his deal?”

And for fans who have been waiting for Art to meet his match, welcome back to Sienna, the final girl of Art’s nightmares. After the previous Terrifier film gave us a heroine capable of going toe-to-toe with Art, we cheered her on from afar. Sienna was the tough, take-no-crap final girl we were craving, and trust me, she doesn’t disappoint. This time around, Sienna is a “broken” version of her former self, still trying to heal and deal with a non-believing family and Art. By the end of the film our final girl is back in her stride, but at a very high price. And the best part? This seems to be setting her up for all the upcoming Terrifier sequels. Yes, sequels, plural. Because of course, this franchise isn’t going anywhere anytime soon.

The Return of Some Familiar (and Faceless) Friends

art the clown costume

Ah, remember the delightful lady with no face from Terrifier 2? Well, she’s back! Because nothing screams “holiday cheer” quite like a faceless ghoul wreaking havoc alongside Art. I’ll admit, I was a little too excited when I realized she was making a comeback. It’s like seeing an old friend—if that friend had her face chewed off and now exists to make your nightmares more vivid. A lovely addition to the cast, really.

Speaking of which, Terrifier 3 manages to tie up some loose ends from the previous films. Remember that bizarre head-birthing scene from the first Terrifier? (How could you forget, right?) Well, Terrifier 3 gives us some closure on that front. I won’t say it’s a satisfying closure, but it’s closure nonetheless. And let’s be real, this franchise isn’t exactly known for offering neatly wrapped resolutions—just buckets of gore and disturbing visuals.

The Gore: Bloodier Than Ever

Now, onto the real reason you’re here: the gore. Terrifier 3 does NOT hold back. In fact, I’m pretty sure the special effects team had a meeting where they collectively decided that if a scene didn’t have at least five gallons of blood, it wasn’t worth shooting. From the very first minute, the movie wastes no time ramping up the carnage to new, stomach-churning levels.

There’s one scene in particular that’s burned into my brain—let’s call it the “shower scene.” And trust me when I say this: every guy who watches this is going to cross their legs and cringe into oblivion. Without giving too much away, it’s one of those kills that makes you question the limits of the human body, both physically and mentally. Thanks, Art, for making me rethink ever stepping into a shower again.

And in case you were wondering, there’s no shortage of memorable kills in Terrifier 3. I’d say it rivals Terrifier 2 in sheer brutality, but this time, it’s dialed up to eleven. If you’ve got a weak stomach or a low tolerance for violence, this is probably not the movie for you. But if you’re the type of horror fan who loves a good bloodbath, then consider this your Christmas present.

Pedicide and Rats… Merry Christmas?

terrifier streaming

In case you thought the gore was limited to humans, Terrifier 3 does you one better. If you’re not a fan of pedicide (who is, really?) or if rats and animal cruelty make you queasy, then I have some bad news. There are a few scenes in Terrifier 3 that are particularly uncomfortable for animal lovers, and I have to say, even I was a little taken aback. But hey, this is Art the Clown we’re talking about. The man is not exactly known for his mercy. And no one, I repeat NO ONE, NO MATTER THEIR AGE is safe.

So at this point, I should also mention the “rat scene,” which, again, is not something I ever needed to see, but here we are. Without going into too much detail, let’s just say if you have a phobia of rats, you might want to fast-forward through that part. Merry Christmas, indeed.

Art Goes Back to His Scary Roots

One of the best parts of Terrifier 3 is that Art has returned to his terrifying roots. Sure, the wise-cracking, mischievous Art from the previous films had his moments, but I appreciate that this movie brings back the fear factor. Art is less of a joker and more of a full-blown nightmare in this installment. And honestly? It works. When you’re trying to build a slasher franchise, your main villain has to be scary, not just a comedian with a machete.

But don’t get me wrong—there are still plenty of moments that made me laugh out loud while simultaneously cringing in horror. It’s one of those delightful paradoxes that Terrifier excels at: finding humor in the grotesque. Whether it’s Art’s bizarre antics in the middle of a bloodbath or the sheer absurdity of some of the kill scenes, there’s plenty of black comedy to go around.

Art in a Santa Suit: The Christmas Trope We Didn’t Know We Needed

mime horror movie

If I didn’t know better, I’d say Art in a Santa suit was this year’s holiday mascot. Sure, we’ve had murderous Santas before (Silent Night, Deadly Night, anyone?), but Art really pulls off the look in his own disturbing way. The sight of this murderous clown running around in festive red and white feels so wrong yet so right. It’s like the filmmakers asked, “How can we make this even weirder?” and someone piped up with, “Santa suit, duh.”

So to be fair, the Christmas trope is pretty underplayed overall. Like I said earlier, if Art weren’t rocking that Santa suit for a solid chunk of the film, I probably would have forgotten this was even supposed to be a Christmas horror movie. But hey, at least they tried. And honestly, isn’t the idea of a killer Santa clown just what you need to spice up your holiday horror rotation?

Should You Watch It?

Let’s get to the million-dollar question: Should you watch Terrifier 3? Well, if you’ve already survived the first two Terrifier films, then yes—absolutely. You’ll want to see where Art’s story goes, and you’ll want to witness the sheer level of carnage that makes this film stand out.  Plus, with Sienna as the final girl, there’s plenty to look forward to in future sequels (because you know they’re coming).

If you’ve never seen the first two films, I’d recommend starting there. While Terrifier 3 stands on its own in terms of gore and entertainment, you’ll get a lot more out of it if you’re familiar with the franchise’s bizarre and gruesome backstory.

Either way, if you’re a horror fan who loves gory, over-the-top kills and a holiday-themed slasher, then Terrifier 3 belongs on your holiday horror watchlist.


terrifier 3 review

So there you have it, folks—Terrifier 3 is the blood-soaked, holiday massacre you didn’t know you needed. It’s got everything: a terrifying clown in a Santa suit, a final girl we can root for, some truly cringe-worthy kill scenes, and enough gore to last you until next Christmas.

Sure, it might not have the warm and fuzzy feelings of a traditional holiday movie, but who needs that when you’ve got Art the Clown turning Christmas into a nightmare? So, pop some popcorn, grab your Santa hat, and settle in for a holiday movie like no other. And remember folks: this is one gift you won’t want to return.

Happy Holidays… and may your Christmas be as gory as ever!

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90s Kid Turned Goblin, Wife, Writer, Blogger & Mom

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